Will Shackel - Nuclear for Australia

Will Shackel

Will Shackel

Will Shackel is the 18-year-old founder of Nuclear for Australia. 

Despite never learning about nuclear energy in school, Will has always been interested in the technology due to his concern about about the energy transition and climate crisis.

After researching and reaching out to experts, in 2022 he decided to start posting facts about nuclear energy on social media and launched a petition to legalise nuclear energy which now has close to 100,000 signatures. 

Since launching the organisation, Nuclear for Australia has become a the largest nuclear advocacy organisation in Australia. Will has continued his personal advocacy which has included providing evidence to a Senate Committee in Canberra, visiting COP28 where he interviewed Emmanuel Macron and frequent media appearances including on Sunrise, A Current Affair and Q+A. 

Will is currently completing his final exams in Year 12.

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Updated on August 26th 2024