What about nuclear waste?


What about it?

Nuclear energy is the only form of energy which is able to manage its waste. Contrary to depictions in The Simpsons and pop culture, nuclear waste or spent fuel is able to be safely and securely managed using modern techniques. 

To simplify this complex topic we've made a list of important facts about nuclear waste:

There are 3 types of nuclear waste


  • When discussing waste management, it is important to understand that there are three types of nuclear waste ranked by their radioactivity: low, intermediate and high level waste. Below we've included brief descriptions of each and how they are traditionally managed:
    • Low Level Waste: Low level waste is the least radioactive type of nuclear waste. 
    • Intermediate Level Waste: Intermediate level waste is the second most radioactive type of nuclear waste. 
    • High Level Waste: High level waste is the most radioactive type of nuclear waste.

All forms of nuclear waste can be safely managed

Low Level Waste

How it's managed around the world


How it's managed in Australia


Intermediate Level Waste

How it's managed around the world


How it's managed in Australia


High Level Waste/Spent Fuel

Nuclear waste can be recycled 

  • These days spent fuel can be reprocessed which pretty much means recycled. This means the spent fuel that leaves the reactor can be used again. This is achieved through 'breeder reactors'.
  • Stephen Wilson:
"It is not waste until you waste it"

Nuclear reactors produce tiny amounts of waste

  • The high level waste created from a nuclear reactor to power a person for their lifetime would easily fit inside a coke can. Each year, this equates to roughly 5g or the weight of a piece of paper. 

"It is not waste until you waste it"

Australia has safely managed low and intermediate waste for decades

  • As a result of our single research reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney, Australia has safely managed low and intermediate level waste for decades.  

"It is not waste until you waste it"
