After more than a month, today we received a reply to our letter from the Prime Minister’s office.
The response was written by Joe Ritchie the A/g Assistant Secretary at the Energy and Climate Change Branch of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
This response exposes major contradictions in the government’s policy all without providing a justification for maintaining the out of touch and out of date nuclear prohibition.
The letter acknowledges that "Australia is undergoing an energy transition that presents challenges’ and whilst maintaining that ‘the Government does not support removing the current prohibition, it recognises ongoing research into nuclear energy and related science… is vital to informing public debate".
In an apparent concession of Nuclear’s clean credentials the letter also includes the line that the government "also serves to reiterate the role that nuclear energy can play, globally, in the net zero transformation".
As our founder explained in his initial letter to the PM this decision this position that somehow Australia will be able to reach net zero without the necessity for Nuclear is "ruling out an effective solution" and is "counterproductive at best and at worst disastrous".
You can read the full response here:
Response from the Prime Minister's Office
Or you can read about our letter in our post last month:
Founder Urges Prime Minister to Lift Nuclear Energy Ban as New Polling Reveals Majority Support
Join thousands of Australians across the country and sign our petition to legalise Nuclear Energy.
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