Today our founder Will Shackel sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese on behalf of Australians across the country to lift the ban on Nuclear Energy in Australia. This comes after we reached 4000 signatures on our petition to legalise Nuclear Energy.

In the letter, Will outlines the case for Nuclear Energy and reveals new polling from Compass Polling which reveals that a majority of Australians support Nuclear Energy. The polling suggested that around 70% of Australians want nuclear energy to be explored as an ‘option for meeting our energy security and emission targets’ with a sharp decline recorded in Australians identifying as ‘anti-nuclear’ from 27% in September 2022 to 18% today.

In the letter Will wrote that "young people across the country are demanding that you consider the case for nuclear energy being legal’ and that ‘ruling out an effective solution like this is counterproductive at best and at worst disastrous". 

He also highlighted how Nuclear has been embraced around the world writing that "the rest of the world is experiencing a nuclear renaissance with 50 countries considering, planning, or starting nuclear power programs’ and that ‘in this context, Australia’s nuclear prohibition is out of touch with the rest of the world".

You can read the full letter here:

Nuclear for Australia - Letter to the Prime Minister

Join thousands of Australians across the country and sign our petition to legalise Nuclear Energy.

Sign the petition


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